
It's an asemetrical 1v1 battle game via different battle system, light connection, tile placement and Rock-Paper-Scissors.

GGJ Theme: Root

Member: Nora, Ryan, & Zhikuan

Contribution: Concept Design, Game Design, Map Design, 3D Modelling


Overducked is a two-player asymmetric board game where players will use different game systems to connect/disconnect light sources in the city of Ducktown. The objective is to light/extinguish a certain number of light sources to win the game. Additionally, the game incorporates a "loyalty" mechanic, where players can increase/decrease loyalty to win.

The game is set in a fictional society of ducks. In this society, the duck government demands an annual tribute of 2% of citizens to the human society in exchange for peace in Ducktown. The government presents the slaughterhouse as an honorable hall, concealing the truth from the citizens who aspire to become part of it. However, the game takes place when the human society increases its demand to 5%. The government decides to expand the city's factories and requires the construction of circuits.

In the game, one player takes on the role of the government and must connect enough power sources to expand the factories. On the other hand, the opposing player, part of a rebellion that realizes the truth about the factories, aims to stop the government from expanding and destroy all the factories.

 基础玩法/Game Rules

Connect/Disconnect Light Source

In the game, both players have a set of different gameplay systems to light up/disconnect light sources.

As the government (connecting), players can connect the light sources by laying roads on the map.

As the rebels (disconnecting), players will use their pieces on the map to advance along the roads laid by the government and disconnect the light sources at each factory.

Both sides have corresponding items to assist their own objectives or disrupt the opponent's progress.

Increasing/Decreasing Loyalty

When the loyalty of the citizens reaches its highest or lowest point, either the government or the rebels will achieve victory.

The rise or fall of loyalty is determined by events triggered each time a player lights up or extinguishes a light source. The outcome of these events will have an impact on loyalty.


Event Card

Whenever a player attempts to light up or disconnect a light source, an event is triggered. Both players will experience a shared event and make different choices based on their respective roles. The impact of the event on each side will be determined by the choices made by both players using the inherent "rock-paper-scissors" attribute of the cards.

For Example:

Government Side:

Event: Some deceived hypocritical journalists have approached the rebels. You need to control the narrative:

Choices: 1. Arrest the rebels on false charges (rock).

 2.Bribe the newspaper owner to cancel the publication of the report (scissors).

 3.Release a statement discouraging rumors (paper).

Rebel Side:

Event: A media outlet approaches you, seeking an interview to expose the dark side of the factories. You:

Choices: 1.Describe the situation truthfully and specifically (paper).

 2.Exaggerate the government's actions (scissors).

 3.Publicizing the situation loudly and fabricating that's what the journalist said to   you. (rock).

前期准备/Preproduction & Playtest



3D打印/3D Printing

地图组装/Assemble the map



According to the theme of "Root" for this project, what I envisioned is the foundation of linking the city, which includes the city's circuits and light. And I want this concept goes beyond just physical circuit connections and encompasses the formation of civilization. Therefore, there's a philosophical concept that human beings always talk about will be shown in this game's aesthetic: utilitarianism. 

Additionally, I wanted the game to have a sense of absurdity and humor within its overall industrial and orderly setting. That's why I chose to set the game in a whimsical duck society, where players can experience a strategic and enjoyable gameplay experience within this quirky setting.

Furthermore, before starting this project, I had always wanted to break away from the traditional format of board games--cards, tokens, dice, and a game board. Therefore, I introduced physical interactive elements to the game. Players can physically manipulate switches in the real world to turn on/off light sources. The circuits, and illuminate bulbs are located beneath the game board. Through this approach, I aimed to transform the tabletop game into a more interactive "toy" that requires hands-on manipulation from players, creating a greater sense of immersion and interactivity.