
This is a role-playing game set in a fantasy world where players assume the role of a witch trapped on a floating island, devoid of memories due to a time freeze. 

In the game, players must solve puzzles and engage in battles to collect four tokens left behind by their companions, ultimately unraveling the truth behind the time freeze on the floating island.

Contribution: Solo Project


Hello, my name is Nora. I am currently studying game development at the Savannah College of Art and Design, where I am learning professional skills and working on multiple game projects. My passion lies in integrating narrative elements with mechanics and level design to create immersive and emotionally engaging experiences. I strive to create elegant and polished games that captivate players to like the world I create. In addition to video games, I also enjoy working on board games and exploring experimental game concepts.

This is a role-playing game set in a fantasy world where players assume the role of a witch trapped on a floating island, devoid of memories due to a time freeze. In the game, players must solve puzzles and engage in battles to collect four tokens left behind by their companions, ultimately unraveling the truth behind the time freeze on the floating island.

世界观设定/World and System setting

When designing this game, my primary consideration was how to create an immersive emotional experience for the players while interpreting the theme through the game's world, mechanics, and level design.

With that in mind, I focused on establishing a strong connection between the theme and the world-building. This led to the introduction of the floating island and the time loop concept. Taking inspiration from the ritual of the Wheel of Fortune in tarot cards, I set the overall worldview and developed character roles that align with this theme. Within this setting, I aimed to deliver a story that evokes both sadness and a sense of excitement, with the narrative being conveyed through the game mechanics.

As players engage with the story, they will satisfy their curiosity through exploring the island and solving puzzles. The level design incorporates strategic elements that guide players towards challenges and provide them with a sense of achievement. However, the core objective is to ensure a cohesive design throughout the entire experience, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the world and be captivated by its allure.

To enhance the sense of mystery surrounding the island and the story, I implemented multiple endings and different puzzle solutions for each ending within the same setting. This design choice aims to showcase the diversity and complexity of the island and its narrative.

关卡设计/Level Design

In the level design, I have created a total of two main levels, each consisting of four smaller sub-levels for the players to complete. These four sub-levels are represented by four distinct islands within the game world, and both main levels take place within the same map.

The level progression includes tutorial stages to introduce the mechanics, puzzle-oriented levels that require the combination of different mechanics, and demonstration-based combat levels. The difficulty gradually increases within each main level, providing a sense of progression, and then eases slightly when transitioning to the next main level. This design aims to establish a balanced and paced gameplay experience.

Level 1

Gameplay Progress

Level 2

Gameplay Progress

Level 3

Gameplay Progress

Level 4

Gameplay Progress

游戏机制/Game Mechanic

Voice of Heart

The player can hear the inner voice of all surrounding objects, allowing communication with non-living entities and non-human creatures. This ability also enables the player to discern falsehoods and uncover hidden truths.


Within the player's attack range, enemies are subjected to a slight knockback effect. This ability provides the player with a tactical advantage by creating distance between themselves and their adversaries.


Block-out Creation

Autodesk Maya

GamePlay Production

Unreal Engine 5.1

创作缘由/The reason of creating "Luna"

As a game designer, my goal is to create an immersive role-playing game that fully satisfies the players' desire for emotional experiences. I want to craft a game that allows players to deeply connect with their characters, feel their struggles and triumphs, and become emotionally invested in their journey. By providing a rich and captivating narrative, meaningful choices, and engaging gameplay mechanics, I aim to create a game that transports players into a world where they can explore complex emotions, forge deep relationships, and experience personal growth through their character's story. Ultimately, my intention is to create a game that resonates with players on a profound level and leaves a lasting impact, making it a truly memorable and transformative gaming experience.


For this project, my goal is to create an immersive role-playing game that fully satisfies the players' desire for emotional experiences. I want to craft a game that allows players to deeply connect with their characters, feel their struggles and triumphs, and become emotionally invested in their journey. By providing a rich and captivating narrative, meaningful choices, and engaging gameplay mechanics, I aim to create a game that transports players into a world where they can explore complex emotions, forge deep relationships, and experience personal growth through their character's story. Ultimately, my intention is to create a game that resonates with players on a profound level and leaves a lasting impact, making it a truly memorable and transformative gaming experience.