Come Back

It's a first-person platform based puzzle game demo via text visualization mechanic.

Player needs to find two keys around this island to back to their home.

Contribution: Solo Project(except for part of 3D modelling)

Whole Demo Youtube Link: 

This is the first demo I created in Unreal Engine. It's a first person puzzle game and the mechanics primarily revolve around triggering indicators in the game to receive textual information (subtitles). Players can use words from the subtitles to alter the game world. They can manifest words in the game or make them disappear.

For example, if a player is locked in a room and an indicator suggests that you might need a key to open the door, the player can use the word "key" from the subtitle to visualize it in the game world and thereby unlock the door. Alternatively, players could choose the word "door", causing the corresponding door in the room to vanish, allowing them to exit.

The game then expands on this concept, ensuring players aren't limited to interacting with just one item.

机制设计/Mechanic Design

Game Mechanics: The mechanics primarily revolve around triggering indicators in the game to receive textual information (subtitles). Players can use words from the subtitles to alter the game world. They can manifest words within the game or make them disappear.

Player's Objective: Find two keys and return home.

故事/World Setting

Everything within this environment is a part of a dream world created by sentient beings. However, as time passes and the child grows older, this world is gradually fading away. The player takes on the role of a child residing in this fantasy world. One day, the stars get temperamental and refuse to let her return to the real world, which is just a small story set in her home. Due to the dreamlike nature of the environment, she has the ability to make objects appear and disappear at will.

设计思路/Design Approach

The game's design approach is built around its core gameplay mechanics. As the core gameplay developed, the overarching tone for the levels and fragmented narrative elements were introduced.

Emotional Experience: There's a bit of humor infused within, allowing players to feel joy. Additionally, there are some eerie puzzles and artistic representations to convey narrative clues, sparking players' curiosity about the game world.

e.g., If you fail to solve a puzzle, an alarm clock might mock you, and puzzle indicators could turn into crosses to tease you. References such as the "Geocentric vs. Flat Earth" theories of the light sources.